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Inter-Ac All Conference Selection, 1st Team - The Agnes Irwin School
All-State, PAISAA, 2nd Team - The Agnes Irwin School
All-Mainline Selection, 2nd Team - The Agnes Irwin School
All-Delco Selection, 2nd Team - The Agnes Irwin School
2024 Season Stats/Agnes Irwin School: 24 Goals/12 Assists
PAISAA Semi-Finalists
Varsity Starter (Freshman) - The Agnes Irwin School, Rosemont, PA
Inter-Ac All Conference Selection, 2nd Team - The Agnes Irwin School
All-Mainline Selection, 2nd Team - The Agnes Irwin School
All-Delco Selection, Honorable Mention - The Agnes Irwin School
PAISAA Semi-Finalists
U16 Junior Women's National Team Selection Camp (December/January 25')
AAU Junior Olympics Selection
Nexus Championship Selection: Team Los Angeles (7th Place) 3 Goals/4 Assists
Nexus Regional Qualifier Selection Camp, Region 5
Nexus Region 5 Camp
Nexus Regional Qualifier Selection Camp, Region 5 (injured)
Nexus Region 5 Camp
Nexus Regional Qualifier Selection Camp, Region 5
Nexus Region 5 Camp
U16 2025 Sunshine Showcase Overall Gold Medalist - WC Eagles
U16 Thanksgiving Showcase Pool A Champion - WC Eagles
U16 USAFH RCC/NCC Training Team Selection - WC Eagles
U16 USAFH RCC/NCC Championship - 1st Place - WC Eagles
U16 Sunshine Showcase Overall Silver Medalist - WC Eagles
U16 NIT Champion, WC Eagles Gold, Honor Tier 1
U14 USAFH National Club Championship - 1st Place - WC Eagles
U14 USAFH Region 5 Championship - 1st Place - WC Eagles
U16 Thanksgiving Showcase Pool H Champion - WC Eagles
U14 NIT Champion, WC Eagles Gold, Pool C
U16 NIT - Runner-up, WC Eagles White, Pool I
U14 NIT Champions, WC Eagles Gold, Pool C
U14 USAFH RCC/NCC Training Team Selection - WC Eagles
Jun's Elite Camp (Top 20 players)
U12 NIT Champions - WC Eagles Diamond, Pool A
CYO Region 17 All-Star - St. Peter and Paul School