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St. John's School
Texas Pride
Top 100 Players to Watch
Field Hockey Honors & Accomplishments

2023 High School Rookie Class (thefhockeyanalyst - March 2024)
St. John’s School Varsity Field Hockey (freshman starter; right mid) - 8 goals, 9 assists; SPC-Texas 4A State Champion; ranked #9 in nation end of season ranking
2023 NFHCA High School Watchlist selection as freshman
One of two freshmen selected to St. John's School Varsity (2nd in nation - preseason ranking)


U16 Junior Women’s National Team 2024
U16 Junior Olympics Selection
U16 Nexus Championship - Team Montreal (4th place); ACM; 1 goal, 5 assists

U16 Junior Women’s National Team 2024 - selected
U16 Junior Women's National Team Selection Camp - Dec 2023
U16 Junior Olympics - Team Trust, Gold medalist (undefeated/untied); 2 goals
U14 Nexus Championship - Team Athens

U16 Junior Olympics - Team Believe
U14 Nexus Championship - Team Torino


U19 NCCs – Silver Medal, 2nd overall; starting right back; 1 assist
U16 NCCs – 13th overall; mid; 1 goal, 2 assists, defensive save
U19 Battle of the Giants - 2nd place; back, mid, fwd
U16 Battle of the Giants - 2nd place; mid; 1 goal
U16 RCCs - 2nd place; mid; 2 goals, 3 assists
Shooting Star Jamboree (U16 Red) - 2nd place A tier; mid; 1 goal, 3 assists
NIT 2024 (U16 Red); Patriot tier 1 – 2nd place; back, fwd; 4 goals, 2 assists
Sunshine Showcase 2024 (U16 Red) - 5th overall; back, mid, fwd; 3 goals, 1 assist
Winter Escape 2024 (U16 Red) – undefeated; right mid, forward; 3 goals, 2 assists

National Indoor 2024 Qualifier (U16 Red) – qualified, undefeated; 8 goals, 3 assists
Shooting Star Thanksgiving 2023 (U14 Red) - ACM; 2 goals, 1 assist
U16 NCCs - 10th place; starting right back
U14 NCCs - 16th place; ACM/DCM, 5 goals, 2 assists
U14 NIT - 2nd Place in Pool; 8 goals, 9 assists
U14 Disney Sunshine Showcase 2023 - 5th place overall; 7 goals, 6 assists

U14 All-Star selection National Hockey Festival
U14 National Hockey Festival – 1st place in Pool; 2 goals, 6 assists
U14 NCCs - 13th place
U14 NIT - 2nd place in Pool
U14 Disney Sunshine Showcase - 2nd Place overall

U14 National Hockey Festival – 2nd Place in Pool