Check out a recap of last week’s reported College Commitments:
Sara Deck *TOP 100
University of California- Berkeley (D1)
Los Gatos High School (CA)/Quicksilver Cats
Allie Belaire
Saint Joseph’s College (D3)
Leavitt Area High School (ME)/MAINE STYX
Allie Gregoire
Thomas College (D3)
Kennebunk High School (ME)/MAINE STYX
Grace Grenier
University of New England (D3)
Kennebunk High School (ME)/MAINE STYX
Taylor Robison
Keene State College (D3)
Yarmouth High School (ME)/MAINE STYX
Caroline Balogh
Wake Forest University (D1)
Charlotte Latin School (NC)/Charlotte Ambush
Sydney Duimstra
Randolph-Macon College (D3)
Deep Run High School (VA)/Strikers Elite
Emma Goldean
Ohio State University (D1)
Providence Day School (NC)/Charlotte Ambush
Emily Ledoux
Stonehill College (D2)
Worcester Academy (MA)/Cape Ann FHC
Katie Liebeskind
Ursinus College (D3)
Academy of Notre Dame de Namur (PA)/Philly Hockey Club
Holly Stiller
Slippery Rock University (D2)
Iroquois High School (NY)/WNY Whalers
Sydney Stephenson
Georgetown University (D1)
Bryn Mawr School (MD)/H20
Sarah Charley
Ohio State University (D1)
Thomas Worthington High School (OH)/FH Life
Julia Darmo
Cornell University (D1)
Moorestown High School (NJ)/Mystx
Morgan Darmo
Cornell University (D1)
Moorestown High School (NJ)/Mystx
Alyssa Maynard
Stanford University (D1)
George C. Marshall High School (VA)/Rampage
-Click here to report a College Commitment-
Note: The above commitments did not necessarily take place last week-
they were reported to last week