If you have been to the College Commitment section of the site since Friday, you will notice that we have revamped our College Commitments.  College Commitments are the second most popular content on MAXFieldHockey.com, with 15% of our page views coming from college commitments (they received over 170,000 views last year!).  To minimize our database costs, and to improve the mobile friendliness of the commitments, we turned to a new solution that we hope you will enjoy!

We now have separate pages for each Class of commitments (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021) that can be accessed via the top menu bar under “College Commitments.”  You can also view all commitments under the “View All Commitments” option.

Commitments are now easier to view as each row alternates color.  You can sort commitments view the header options (Last Name, State, College, etc.).  You can also do a search via the Search box at the top.  As you type, the commitments narrow down.  It is much more engaging and takes less time to process the searches.  You can search by one word.  Utilize the search tool AND sort by the header to narrow down your results if you are looking for a query that requires more than one criteria like the old search.

The commitment tables are also now mobile-responsive, so no matter what device you are viewing commitments on, the formatting and user experience is greatly improved!  This was very important to us as we recently went through our site analytics and saw that 66% of users are viewing MAX Field Hockey’s content on some sort of a mobile device.  You will notice on your phone that you can scroll left to right within the table and text is automatically sized to fit to your screen.  This is a great improvement from our previous setup!

Along with our new method of displaying College Commitments, we also now have a new method of submitting commitments.  We have now combined our “Report a Commitment” and “Commitment Feature” forms to save people from having to submit duplicate information and to centralize the process.  We have also added social media sharing information into the form.  Check out the new form here: https://maxfh.longstreth.com/reportcollegecommitments/


A couple of notes about commitments:

*We prefer commitments coming directly from the student-athlete or their parent. If you are a high school or club coach, please make sure before submitting the commitment that you have permission to do so or encourage the student-athlete or parent to submit it themselves.

*With this new college commitment system, commitments will no longer automatically populate onto the tables.  This is so that we can approve them properly, make sure they are not already in the system, and follow up with necessary feature or social media sharing.  We hope to get these in within hours, but please allow 24-36 hours for them to be entered.

*If your commitment has already been submitted and you would like to add a commitment feature- please complete this new form with the required info and we will just use it for a feature story.

*We have hired an intern to assist with some various content areas on MAX Field Hockey and College Commitments is one of the main areas they will be helping us grow.  We look forward to catching up and enhancing our college commitment coverage even more!