FEATURE: 2019 Megan Hadfield

West Chester Bayard Rustin High School senior Megan Hadfield commits to Hofstra University!


Player Name: Megan Hadfield
Grad Year: 2019
College Choice:  Hofstra University (D1)
Date Committed: October, 2018

Position: GK
State: Pennsylvania
High School: West Chester Bayard Rustin High School
Club: WC Eagles
What will you major in/study?: Finance
Field Hockey Honors/Accomplishments: Varsity Captain(2018), First Team Chesmont League (2017), All Area Honorable Mention (2017), Chesmont League Honorable Mention (2016)
Why did you choose this school?: Hofstra is the perfect environment for to be successful both academically and athletically. The staff and team are so welcoming and create such an amazing team environment I knew right away that I loved it and wanted to be a part of it.
Other colleges considered: LIU Brooklyn, Rider
Anyone you would like to thank?: I would like to thank everyone at WC, Jun, Richard, and especially Emily, they have pushed me to reach the point I am at today. Thank you for always pushing me to learn new skills, conquer challenges and give it my all for every ball. I would also like to thank my Mom, Dad, Brittany, Time, Erin, and Jen for your constant love and support; I would not be the player or person I am today without you all. I would also like to thank my Rustin family, girls you’ve made these four years of hockey the best years of my life I love you all, I will miss having you by my side on the field. To Coach Susie, Coach Rice, and Coach Spears thank you for making our team something great, and environment where we were more than teammates, we were sisters. And to Mr. DePoal thanks for keeping me healthy and always being there to talk game or just life I appreciate it all. Finally to Coach Kathy, and Coach Courtney thank you for providing me with this amazing opportunity! I am so excited to be apart of The Pride and look forward to everything the next four years has to offer, I know it will be absolutely amazing!


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