Happy New Year! MAX Field Hockey is back from a brief maternity leave and working hard to finish off High School Awards for the 2016 season. We have compiled a complete listing of state by state awards as well as the NFHCA All-American and All-Region awards . This listing can be viewed using the link below (for the High School Award Central) OR using the top main menu bar [go to High School, Major Awards]. If you have any state, conference or local awards that we do not have, you can submit them to admin@maxfieldhockey.com and we will make the addition.
MAX Field Hockey is finalizing our own All-Region awards for the 2016 season and will be posting them next week. We will recognize 25 players per region (30 for the PA/NJ region), as well as awards for Regional Player and Coach of the Year, and National Player and Coach of the Year. We heavily weigh local and state awards in these awards, as well the NFHCA awards, and also consider nominations. Players did NOT have to be nominated to be considered.