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Providence High Varsity
2nd Team All-State
Providence Defensive Player of the Year
Charlotte All-Observer 1st Team Field Hockey Honoree
Saves: 124
GAA: 2.5
GA: 25
Providence High Varsity
Providence Rookie of the Year
Saves: 125
GAA: 3.1
GA: 29
Voted MVP of season, team captain, and placed 2nd in middle school championship.
U18 NEXUS Championship
U18 women's Junior national team camp
U18 Nexus Selection Camp
U16 Nexus Selection Camp
U16 Nexus Championship alternate
U16 Nexus Selection Camp
U14 Nexus Championship- Region 8
U19 NIT pool 2nd place winners
National Indoor Festival Pool H winner
U19 National Indoor Tournament
Max field Hockey Top 100 Players to Watch List
NFHCA Winter Escape Showcase- Charlotte Ambush
National Field Hockey Festival- Charlotte Ambush
Regional Club Championship- Charlotte Ambush
Shooting Star- Charlotte Ambush
In the Zone Camp
National Field Hockey Festival- Charlotte Ambush