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Latin School of Chicago Varsity Starter
Independent School League (ISL) Champions
Selected to ISL All Conference
Latin School of Chicago Varsity Starter (only freshman field player starter)
Independent School League (ISL) Champions
Selected to ISL All Conference
Player of the Game against Glenbrook South and Stevenson HS
U16 National Club Championship 3rd place overall
NEXUS U16 Regional Selection Camp (Houston, TX)
NEXUS Championship U16 Alternate Selection
U16 National Club Championship 3rd place overall
NFHCA Winter Escape Showcase
U16 NITQ - Qualified for NIT
U16 Sunshine Showcase Top Flight 3rd place
NFHCA Winter Escape Showcase
U16 NITQ - Qualified for NIT
U16 Sunshine Showcase (Disney) Belle Flight Champion
U16 NIT - Unity Tier 2 Pool Champion - selected as team captain
U16 Regional Cup Pool A Champion
U14 National Hockey Festival Pool G Champion
U14 NCC - 3rd place overall
U14 Region 10 Regional Club Champion
U14 Sunshine Showcase (Disney) Top Flight (Timon) Champion
U14 Girls National Indoor Tournament Wave 1 Pool N
U14 Aim 7v7 Tournament Pool B Champion
U14 National Hockey Festival Pool F Second Place
U14 Disney Field Hockey Showcase Consolation Pool Champion
U14 Regional Cup Champion
U14 Aim 7v7 Tournament Second Place